Friday, November 9, 2007

Morrissey Show at the Palladium - Tuesday oct 9th

Well, as per usual, I FINALLY got to see one of my favorite artists a decade or so later than I would have liked... BUT as per usual, it was amazing!
Morrissey has really got it going on. I was fortunate enough to see him up close (nearly squished and impaled by limbs) it was so worth the resulting bruises.

A true crooner and dare I say "Thespian" Morrissey delivered an energetic performance to his fans. I was very impressed by his live vocals, he sounded, well like Morrissey; not just the now Morrissey, but the Morrissey of back in the day. And oh how in love I fell.

Back to the beginning: His opening act, the one who's name people couldn't recall and frankly I can't either so I'll skip trying, was terrible... The thing about it is, I don't think her music, nor vocals were all that bad. She just had zero stage presence, it seemed as though she just wanted to do her thing and get off of the stage. Her only interaction with the audience was a snarky comment along the lines of almost being done and we'll be happy about that. I was like "WHOA! did she just say that?" Umm yea.

Moving on... the stage goes dark and we wait for what seemed like an eternity, me bouncy and giddy as a school girl on crack, my 'friend' I think was laughing at my dorkdom. Suddenly "Wham!" the curtain drops and Morrisseys stage is revealed... I lost control and screamed like, well, a fan. Sadly, there was still a bit more waiting before he started. I felt a little dumb for my premature scream but knew I wasn't the only one who lost it.

When Morrissey FINALLY came out, and began to sing, I started to cry... yes, I cried.

The performance was enthusiastic and inviting... so inviting that seemingly every young hispanic Morrissey "LOVER" took their turn to surf their way to the stage. And oh, the mayhem that ensued when Morrissey took off his yellow (presumably silk) shirt and threw it into the audience. The fighting over that went on for quite a while. I wonder how the winner feels about it? Ha ha, I could guess!

Here's a video clip, not sure which night, but it gives you the idea of how intense the crowd was.

At the end of the show, the guitarist walked to the front of the stage and threw out a few (mmm, I'd say 5) guitar picks. One of them flew right at me and I sensed it was near my feet. The guy in front of me bent down searching almost under me for it. I stomped my feet in defiance and in hopes of one of my feet landing atop of the pick. I pushed the guy away and said, "You're not going to get it, it's under my foot." I had NO clue what was going on down there. The guy finally gets up, hand clenched shut, I thought he had won and I felt a small feeling of loss, but then he opened his hand, revealing nothing. I regained my confidence that the pick could STILL be somewhere under me. As the crowd disbanded, I looked down at the ground around my feet and saw a little tiny flash of yellow sticking out from underneath my left shoe... HA HA, VICTORIOUS ME! I got a guitar pick. =D

Ok, here's some music video clips (not taken by yours truly) of the show - Not necessarily the night I attended.


From Oct 9th show, the night I attended - "How soon is now?"

The 12th

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